PROXYAH {2014-2015}
Proxyah, a "closed-world" computer game made in Unity, developed during an artist residency at Jupiter Woods, London and Rupert, Vilnius. It has actualized in three versions (v1, v2, v3), in several locations both on and off-line, and now rests in its final state, v3.1. It is accompanied by a guide, which is pasted below or PDF here.
v1 was exhibited at Kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga (10.3.2014-11.3.2014), v2 was exhibited at Jupiter Woods, London (1.8.2015-2.7.2015) , v3 (standalone download) was hosted on (5.5.2015-5.28.2015) , v3.1 was exhibited at 'Lament Of Ur', w/ Joey Holder at Karst Projects, Plymouth (11.13.2015-12.12.2015) and is available to download on Steam.
